
Rusticity, elegance, and stateliness for dairy production.


The Kankrej, as the Gujarati race in India is called, originates from the regions of Ahmedabad, Baroda, and Narid in the state of Gujarat, which also reaches the south of the territory of Radjputana and south of Madras.

The largest and most well-kept flocks are located on the banks of the Sarawati River, north of Kathiawar. The Guzerá race is very old, so much so that it is represented in the seal found in the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro (cities destroyed about 5,000 years ago) and in figures of the people of Mesopotamia.


The breed is characterized by its small head and sub-concave profile. In the middle of its forehead, it has a shallow depression known as “dish”, its horns are of medium size and lyre-shaped, a very peculiar characteristic.

Ideal coat color ranges from white to dark gray, and is also known as blue cattle (dark body ends and lighter center).

Typically, its ears are flat and in an oblique position, and may have a supplementary appendix, similar to an “earring”. The animals are elegant and imposing, they have very pigmented skin, which is a great advantage for the tropical world. In this breed, dehorning has been allowed since 1998.


Much appreciated in northeastern Brazil due to its high rusticity, interest in this breed has been growing across Brazilian territories, being an excellent option for crossing with the “white cattle” or a third breed in a three-way cross-breeding.

Females are highly fertile and have excellent maternal ability, calves are very resistant to diseases that are common to the first period of life.

Males are large, heavy, with a muscular body and a marked growth curve in the first years of life. Females can reach 600 kg at 48 months and males can reach 900 kg at 48 months.

The average milk production of the Guzerá breed is 2,422 Kg, with a fat production of 4%, in an average lactation period of 272 days. For first-calf animals, the average production found was 2,241 kg, in an average lactation period of 279 days.